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Oil & Gas Automation
is a publication
of Unico, Inc.

Since 1967

Unico, Inc.
3725 Nicholson Rd.
P. O. Box 0505
Franksville, WI
262.504.7396 fax

New Graphic Display Shows DynaCards and More

A new graphic display option adds the power of visualization to Unico drives. The 2.25" by 4.25" liquid crystal display presents data in a variety of graphical and textual formats that bring to life the sophisticated information available within Unico artificial-lift drives. With the graphic display, users can view simultaneous surface and downhole dynamometer graphs or other XY plots right at the drive. Time-based data, such as gearbox torque or trend lines, can be displayed in a

strip chart showing up to four parameters at a time. An easy-to-read text menu format shows up to a dozen parameters at once and makes setting up and monitoring the drive a breeze. For more information on the graphic display, please contact us.

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Bluetooth Wireless Link Simplifies Data Collection

Would you like to capture well data from the comfort and security of your truck? With a Bluetooth wireless link, you can do just that.

Bluetooth is a wireless communication technology that connects devices within up to 300 feet, depending upon the power class selected. It is readily available for both handhelds and personal computers, meaning you can use your laptop or PDA without having to get out, walk up to the drive cabinet, and make a physical connection. It eliminates all of the connectivity issues and cumbersome cabling as well.

Unico offers a suite of software for personal computers and PDAs for archiving data and events, charting, and remote setup and monitoring. Combined with a Bluetooth wireless link, these tools provide a convenient and efficient method of gathering well information and diagnosing well problems.

In Future Issues...

Look for the following articles in upcoming issues of Oil & Gas Automation Solutions:

Field tests of methods to eliminate rod pump gas locking and interference
Reducing power consumption and improving power factor of beam pumps
Using a torque economizer mode to improve efficiency and reduce gearbox stress
Detecting stick/slip oscillations that fatigue rod-string couplings and reduce energy efficiency of PCPs

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